Listen to this amazing new song called “Angelina Revisit,” which features contributions from Da Leech, and features Trechyson Molly vx, Droatest, and Lah’Vee.
Trexhyson Molly vx has not had any issues with consistency this year. Despite making his debut in January with the song “Wish Me Well,” he continues to be one of the year’s most reliable hitmakers. It was submitted alone.
He dropped “Ke Tshepe” in February and made a comeback with “Juicy” the same month. He also released “High School Theory” and “Actually Don’t F**k.” He dropped “London” at the beginning of March and collaborated with Lah’Vee and Droatest on “Iy’ngane e South Africa.” This list is endless.
Taking after already discharged tracks, the well-enchanted tune is the foremost later entrance this year.
Beside that, this unused exceptional composition will unquestionably worth a spot in your music collection in the event that you cherish quality music.
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